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See how my clients transformed their lives through achieving their goals.
But..... who they became in the process is everything!

Amanda has been an incredible influence in my life for years. Her guidance and support have been nothing short of extraordinary, touching my heart in the most genuine and loving way. Her words of wisdom have empowered me to become the best version of myself, and her care for others is truly unparalleled.


Amanda's inner beauty radiates through her actions, always prioritizing the well-being of those around her. Even in our friendship, she consistently checks in on me and supports me in reaching my goals. I cannot express how overjoyed I am that she has chosen to pursue this path professionally, sharing her beautiful heart and brilliant mind with the world.


Choosing Amanda as your goals coach will be a decision you'll cherish forever. Trust me when I say, she was born for this. 

World leading speaker on faith, hope and forgiveness

New York Times best selling author

"Left to Tell: Discovering God Amidst the Rwandan Holocaust"

Immaculee - Left To Tell
Immaculee Ilibagiza

Amanda is a wonderfully astonishing human being. Beautiful inside and out, her passion to support women become their best selves is a direct reflection of her incredible humanity. Amanda went through something that really moved me. She has taught me that vulnerability is a superpower. She continues to astonish me with her humility, unwavering support and bottomless bag of sage advice. I am drawn to her empowered nature and her leading personality.  Amanda supported me through a very tricky time in my life where I had a lot of personal and creative obstacles to overcome. Some of which seemed way far out of my reach to process or get out of. I wouldn’t have had the perspective, strength or tools to overcome some of these most challenging moments in my life without her unfaltering deep care. 


Amanda coaches with a profound love of life. She embodies the term Joie De Vivre, she is funny, friendly and consistently relaxes me into seeing another point of view. She is personally invested in your success. These are all winning combinations to find in someone you would want to count on and trust for career and life advice. 


Amanda’s story is a true inspiration to me. She overcame the most impossible odds to reach her wildest dreams and inner peace. I would like to think I am an extension of her commitment to herself, and hope that I can be a part of this economy by doing the same one day, to empower other women with the self-belief she has helped me re-discover. 


From the bottom of my heart, thank you Amanda Lupis! 

- Georgia Flood

Actor / Singer-Songwriter / Producer

Video Testimonials

Jennie used to be swamped by juggling her four children, running her design business, and managing driving with anxiety. Now, armed with essential tools, she gracefully manages family, career, and drives with more ease – achieving the once impossible goal.

- Jennie

Interior Designer, Sydney

Alex wrestled with time management, trying to juggle client care and demanding tasks. With a new time management strategy, she now effortlessly balances client needs and self-care turning the once impossible goal into a daily reality.


- Alex

Naturopath, Sydney

Namrata faced a tough challenge: caring for her aging father while pursuing global opportunities in her executive tech role. Overwhelmed, she found a new mindset and skills through my signature framework. With new strategies, she conquered the impossible goal of balancing caregiving and a thriving global career.

- Namrata

Tech Executive, Singapore

YanYan once struggled with navigating a difficult divorce and life’s complexities. Utilizing my signature framework, she fearlessly transformed, achieving her impossible goals – an amicable divorce and a renewed personal and professional life.

- YanYan

Executive, Hong Kong

Mia’s marketing business soared, yet her health paid the price. Despite work success, burnout took a toll. With a new toolbox full of strategies Mia has conquered burnout, has achieved once impossible weight loss goals and is also living a fulfilling life in perfect alignment with her newfound vision.

- Mia

Marketing Coach, Sydney

From overwhelmed student to fearless entrepreneur, she conquered her last year of high school, launched two global businesses, and secured a coveted spot at her dream university, proving that the sky's the limit for her bright future.


- Simran

Entrepreneur & Student, USA

"Amanda's coaching transformed me. Initially overwhelmed and unsure why, she revealed how my thinking and information overload weighed me down. She also helped me confront my emotional avoidance. I gained insights and actionable steps to manifest my desires, embracing emotions and discomfort for growth. With Amanda's support, I took risks and made progress I couldn't alone. Her attentive listening and guidance keep me eagerly anticipating our calls. If you're stuck and wondering how to achieve your goals, I highly recommend working with Amanda."

- Rhonda

Life Coach – Chicago


"In the aftermath of a devastating experience during the Covid pandemic, I sought coaching with Amanda to find a way forward as I lost my job, my flatmate, my apartment and my relationship.


Amanda helped me shift from self-blame to self-compassion, offering tools to process my grief and sadness. Through practical and simple solutions, she guided me in retraining my thinking process, leading me towards new goals and dreams. I now feel calmer, more curious about my thoughts, and practice daily thought dumps. My approach to problems and decisions has completely transformed. I now live in an apartment I love, near a job that brings me joy. Amanda, thank you for facilitating this brain transplant. It's like you turned on a switch I didn't even know existed."

- Jenna

Client Service Executive - Sydney, Australia 

"Goals coaching with Amanda has been utterly transformative. Feeling trapped in a never-ending cycle, I knew I needed change. Amanda's nurturing guidance brought out my best. Her coaching delivered focus, clarity, and a brighter outlook. I learned anxiety management and thought-control techniques, enhancing my responses to life's challenges. Now, I thrive with improved relationships, self-confidence, stress resilience, and motivation. Amanda is my confidante, mentor, and unwavering support. With her, I've gained the confidence and inspiration to embrace life with fresh strategies. I wholeheartedly recommend working with Amanda as your coach."

- Steph

Marketing & Communications Manager – Melbourne


“Working with Amanda as my life coach has been a transformative experience. I have prioritized my thoughts, set new goals, and have embraced self-discovery. I established new ways of thinking that allowed me to embrace a positive and productive life while strengthening my relationships and setting boundaries.


With Amanda's guidance, I expanded my horizons, overcame negativity, and moved my life forward. Her kindness, honesty, and dynamic personality made our sessions so enjoyable. I highly recommend Amanda to anyone seeking direction, fulfillment, and a positive outlook. Her compassion and empathy provided me with the necessary tools to achieve my goals!"

- Randi

Event Planner – New York

"Working with Amanda during a challenging time in my life has been transformative. In just five months, I set clear personal and career goals, and began envisioning a new future. Amanda helped me shift my focus from difficulties to the advantages in my life and motivated me to move forward. Having someone outside of my inner circle to talk to has been invaluable for gaining perspective and encouragement.


Amanda has been a vital source of confidence, concrete ideas and inspiration for me, and I look forward to the next chapter in our productive relationship."

- Patricia

Creative Director – New York

Meeting Amanda was a game-changer. New to goals coaching, I sought direction and happiness amidst overwhelming changes. Right from our first call, Amanda's warmth and reassurance put me at ease.


Working with Amanda was both captivating and relatable. I embraced her recommended deep introspection and behaviour challenges. With her guidance, I regained self-belief, stopped self-blame, and achieved a new job, a move with my partner and our dog, and progress toward my first property purchase. Eight months of inner work with a qualified Goals Coach, I can’t recommend Amanda enough.

- Daniela

Architect – Sydney, Australia

Let's have a no-obligation chat and get you some clarity right now to Believe in yourself and your goals.


We'll talk about what you want, what's in the way, and I’ll show you how I can help. I'll provide some easy tips you can use right now.

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